We’re taking a break from our Practice Clinics over the summer but will resume with our next clinic on 14th September @ 12:00 BST. In the meantime, we’ve compiled a listing of recent additions and updates made to the Online Academy, including a selection of free videos.
Stepping into JS Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier
The first four videos in a new project, Step into ‘The 48’ are now available on the Online Academy. This series, Beate Toyka provides a guide to JS Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier giving insider tips on interpretation and technique starting with the easier works and ending with the most difficult. Click here to view the introduction and series index or click here to view the first video.

How to Improvise – Harmony
In the next module of his course on improvisation for classical pianists, Dave Hall shows how to add harmony to your melodies, starting with recognising intervals and moving on to different types of chords. Click here to view the introduction to this series or click here to watch the first video which shows how to start improvising with a single-line melody.

Developing the Left Hand
Our video series on Berens’s Training of the Left Hand (Op. 89) is now complete and comprises 15+ videos showing how to use a selection of the studies and exercises as vehicles for improving your left-hand technique. The videos are available to Online Academy subscribers or for once-off purchase (without subscription). Click here to view the series index on the Online Academy (including several free video previews) or click here to purchase from our store.

Next Event – Weekend Piano Course!
Join us online or in person for the first of our London Piano Courses which take place on 24th & 25th September 2022 in our new studios in central London! This weekend course features a variety of presentations, performance workshops and several Q&A sessions hosted by Graham Fitch.
For those able to join us in London, it’s an ideal opportunity to get feedback on your playing, help with specific challenges and trouble spots, and general encouragement in a convenient central location.
If you aren’t able to participate in person, you can also learn and gain inspiration by observing online. The sessions will be streamed and all participants will also receive high-definition recordings of them after the event.
Please click here for further information on the event and to book your place!
There’s More to Playing the Piano – New Chapters
We’ve added five new chapters in our online course on music theory which explore more complex note values and time signatures. Click here to view the series index (the first five chapters can be viewed without a subscription).
New Feature – Animated Video Notes!
We’ve recently developed a new feature for Online Academy videos which allows for notes and score excerpts to be displayed at specific places within a video. This feature will be used on selected videos in future and you can see it in action with score excerpts for one of our recent videos here.