As many of you who have purchased my eBooks are probably aware, my publisher has been busy producing versions of my publications for Apple iBooks. This is intended to offer existing customers another option for accessing the publications on Apple devices in addition to making the publications available for purchase via the Apple iBookstore.
I’m now pleased to announce that all six volumes of Part I and Part II are now available in this format. Please click here for more information on how to access them or click here to log-in to your library (note that you may need to refresh your library page in order to see the new download option).
The first volume of Part 1 is now also available for purchase via the iBookstore here. Subsequent volumes will be made available in the iBookstore in due course subject to Apple’s review process. Versions for Amazon Kindle are also in the pipeline although these will not support some of the interactive publication features or offline video due to the limitations of the Amazon platform.
Please note that purchasing direct from my publisher will give you access to all of the available formats for each publication you purchase (in addition to the iBooks versions mentioned above). However, those of you who have existing Apple iTunes accounts may prefer purchasing via this route (or via Amazon in future).