Highlights from Our Online Piano Workshops
Our online workshops programme will be taking a break over the summer and in the meantime, we leave you with some highlights from our events so far this year. We kicked-off with a virtual full house for Lona Kozik’s demonstration of five key skills behind becoming a better sight reader. Lona also hosted two workshops as part of her Harmony, History & Style course which blends analysis and music history to produce deeper understanding of the music you’re playing.

For those looking for repertoire ideas and inspiration, Graham Fitch presented a bouquet of popular works and hidden gems. Legendary pianist Julian Jacobson gave a guide to playing some more accessible movements from Beethoven Sonatas and Beate Toyka unravelled Bach’s contrapuntal genius from early examples of fugues through to the splendour of the Well-Tempered Clavier. Graham rounded off his collection of style workshops with a set of presentations on music from the classical period featuring works by Mozart, Haydn, Schubert & Beethoven.
In March we were delighted to be visited once again by Fred Karpoff who presented a set of two workshops on mastering elements of technique essentially for moving beyond the intermediate level. These were followed by Ken Johansen’s two-part workshop series a two part workshop series on using keyboard harmony to learn advanced pieces more effectively. And lastly, Graham presented revised versions of his most popular workshops on fingering, playing faster and playing with freedom.
Summer Specials
If you missed any of our events, you can still purchase tickets for access to workshop recordings and resources . As part of our summer sale we’re also offering 20% off all event recordings (this is in addition to the discounted prices for Online Academy subscribers!).
The following links will take you directly to the checkout page for each event with the summer offer automatically applied (please sign-in first to get the additional discount if you are already a subscriber!):
- Creative Practising Using Keyboard Harmony
- Pathetique, Moonlight & More!
- Bach Isn’t Boring
- Getting Your Pieces up to Speed
- Arpeggios, Trills & Tremolos
- Harmony, History & Style – Unit 1 (Baroque)
- Principles of Piano Fingering
- Demystifying Sight Reading
- Playing with Freedom
- Style & Interpretation – The Classical Period
- Repertoire Ideas (Combined Ticket)
- Technique Clinic with Penelope Roskell
We’ll also be offering other discounts on a variety of digital resources as part of our summer specials. Click here to sign-up to our mailing list to avoid missing out!