Scarlatti, Beethoven and Maple Leaf Rag!
Graham Fitch gives an overview of a selection of captivating and educational pieces from the new 2025 & 2026 ABRSM Piano Examination syllabus from Grades 7 & 8.
Graham Fitch gives an overview of a selection of captivating and educational pieces from the new 2025 & 2026 ABRSM Piano Examination syllabus from Grades 7 & 8.
A selection of video excerpts from our recent new additions to the Online Academy featuring Mozart’s variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, maman”, Schumann’s Einsame Blumen, an Impromptu by Schubert and the slow movement from Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata!
The next installment in my exploration of the new ABRSM syllabus features the main pieces in the Grade 7 list. In the following video I provide some highlights and tips…
How to use the daisy chain method to help you learn a new piece more effectively and building up to the target tempo.