Happy Birthday Herr Beethoven!
Although there's no authentic record of Beethoven's day of birth, the registry of his baptism on 17th December 1770 has survived. Since it was custom to baptise within 24 hours…
Although there's no authentic record of Beethoven's day of birth, the registry of his baptism on 17th December 1770 has survived. Since it was custom to baptise within 24 hours…
This week’s blog post features our most recent Practice Clinic in which Graham Fitch responds to questions submitted by Online academy subscribers. In this recording, Graham discusses topics such as legato playing, fingering, building speed and quarantining in works by Beethoven, Chopin, Grieg and Debussy.
Here is the second of my series of summer holiday posts, this week on piano-related humour - because we all need a bit of light relief from time to time.…