Czerny’s Exercises and Etudes
Ilga Pitkevica discusses Czerny’s legacy and introduces her new video lecture series on his Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (Op. 599)
Ilga Pitkevica discusses Czerny’s legacy and introduces her new video lecture series on his Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (Op. 599)
Theodor Leschetizky (1830-1915) is an extremely important figure in the history of piano teaching. He was around at a formative time in the evolution of modern pianism, and produced a…
When we learn a piece of music from a score, it is important to be able to distinguish those markings that are from the pen of the composer, and those…
The subject of pedalling emerged as one of the most sought after topics amongst my readers in surveys I ran prior to the launch of the Online Academy. Therefore I…
In piano playing, there is something comforting about hard facts - given that so much of what we do is subjective and not always so easy to pin down. Players in…
There has been much feedback and lively debate on last week's post about Czerny and his legacy of studies and exercises. It seems some piano teachers firmly believe in assigning…
The connecting link between the harpsichord and the early piano was undoubtedly Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), whose treatise Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments was revered by Muzio Clementi (1752-1832), Johann…