Summer Piano Projects & Reading Ideas
If you’re looking for some inspiration for your summer piano projects, we’ve compiled some ideas to help you get started.
If you’re looking for some inspiration for your summer piano projects, we’ve compiled some ideas to help you get started.
Debunking the myth of perfection in piano performance and suggestions for achieving healthy perfectionism when practising a performance.
I had the great privilege to embark on my postgraduate studies with Peter Wallfisch, studying with him from 1980 for two years (but returning on occasion thereafter). During my time…
Piano playing can never be an exact science. We will not always be able to say with absolute precision or certainty how we arrived at a particular result in our…
...what bestows upon the performer the status of artist and on the performance the status of art, is the real, full-bloodied possibility of the performer finding a better or at…
One of the saddest things about our exam culture is spending the best part of a year on three pieces and a bunch of scales, polishing every little detail until…
When I was on the selection committee for the 11th Unisa International Piano Competition, we listened to two solid days of audio recordings, one after the other. Our selection of…
Of all the comments students make in lessons, the assertion that they can play it perfectly well at home has to be among the most common. I would guess that…
A reader sent me in the following question, which feels more like a plea! I have been teaching a 12-year old boy for a couple of years now. He has…
If you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, would they eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare? This favourite question of barstool philosophers seems relevant…