Tips & Tools for Learning New Pieces
When learning a new piece from scratch, there are a number of tools we can use to get the maximum benefit from our practice time and to lay the foundations for a secure and successful performance.
When learning a new piece from scratch, there are a number of tools we can use to get the maximum benefit from our practice time and to lay the foundations for a secure and successful performance.
Do you wish that you could learn new pieces on the piano faster? Do you find that you spend hours learning a piece only to find that you don't know…
Have you had the experience of learning a new piece one day and coming back to it the next day to find it hasn’t stuck at all? Photo by Ludwig…
I had an interesting question from a reader in Australia, so this week I thought I would address the issue of how to learn a programme consisting of multiple pieces.…
At the start of the New Year, everyone is making resolutions. I have noticed that these usually have to do with self discipline - not eating or drinking so much…
Following the launch of my ebook series last week, I had an email from a reader who tells me she is enjoying reading about the practice tools. She is excited…
I have had a lot of requests for this article, which first appeared in Pianist Magazine last year. Here it is! With the Olympics very much in the news at…
And so to the last installment of "The Three S's" - "Sections". I realise I am in danger of repeating myself here - much of what is contained in this…
The next installment of “The Three S’s”, this week SLOWLY. I confess to having appeared in print many times on this subject. You can read the full text on my…
I couldn’t get far into this blog without talking about one of my mantras, “The Three S’s”. That (for me) stands for “SLOWLY, SEPARATELY, SECTIONS”, despite the array of alternative…