On Tempo Relationships
I was working with someone on Schubert’s B flat Impromptu last week, a set of variations on the so-called “Rosamunde” theme. Variation form always poses a tempo challenge to the…
I was working with someone on Schubert’s B flat Impromptu last week, a set of variations on the so-called “Rosamunde” theme. Variation form always poses a tempo challenge to the…
One of my favourite books of interviews is Great Pianists Speak with Adele Marcus. It is full of insight into the pianist's art, and Ms. Marcus' questions are always very astute.…
It is summer time, and rather than present my usual type of post, I am planning something a little different for the next few weeks. The first is a selection…
As part of this short series on tension I would like to explore how our mental state affects our performance, and suggest ways we can improve what is going on…
We all know the importance of early training in shaping a pianist, with correct musical and technical development right at the top of the list. There is another vital ingredient…
As a teacher, my chief aim is to assist my students in playing more freely and expressively. A big part of that process is helping them unlock their unique musical…
As I wind up my short tribute to the pianos of yesteryear, I want to mention two particular pianos that stand out in my memory. Last week, I wrote about…
The connecting link between the harpsichord and the early piano was undoubtedly Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), whose treatise Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments was revered by Muzio Clementi (1752-1832), Johann…
One of the things that really gets my goat is the totally erroneous statement that the harpsichord is incapable of expression. Many famous and influential pianists who should know better…
When I was on the selection committee for the 11th Unisa International Piano Competition, we listened to two solid days of audio recordings, one after the other. Our selection of…