The next set of videos in our guide to the Trinity College London 2021 – 23 piano examination syllabus feature thirteen new pieces for the intermediate grades (Grades 4 – 6). These complement seven existing videos for repertoire from the previous syllabus that is included within the current one and twenty videos for works from the foundation grades (Initial – Grade 3).

Video Walkthroughs
In these excerpts from the full videos, I discuss pedalling, left hand jumps and ornaments. Each video walkthrough offers plenty of tips for practice, as well as suggestions for piano teachers, and guidance on matters relating to style and interpretation. As with the previous selection, many of the works are in the public domain with links to free scores where available.
Grade 4 – Lemoine – Etude No. 23, Op. 37
To manage the left hand jumps accurately, propel the arm upwards from the short notes and land freely yet squarely into the long chords. We can also use the technique of selective landing in our practice for ultimate security:
Trinity Syllabus Online Workshops
As a complement to our video resources, we’re running a series of three workshops on the Trinity College London 2021-23 syllabus on Saturday 11th December. These workshops will take on a similar format to the sessions we ran on the ABRSM syllabus last year (click here for more information).
In each session, Graham Fitch demonstrates how to interpret, learn, practise and teach a selection of repertoire from the syllabus. He will also touch on other elements such as scales, sight-reading and preparation. The workshop will be divided into three sessions featuring elementary, intermediate and advanced grades. Click here to find out more or to book your place!
Grade 5 – Schubert – Valse sentimentale, Op. 50 No. 13
Despite the given pedal markings, we don’t want just one recipe for the pedal throughout this piece. I recommend practising three different types of pedal, to give us the flexibility to move from one to another when we want to add or remove resonance to match the character and texture changes in the music.
François Couperin – Allemande (from L’art de toucher le claveçin)
For precision in the execution of the many ornaments, it’s a great idea to learn in the ornaments at a very slow tempo (as slow as semiquaver = c. 60), measuring them out rhythmically against the other hand. Master this before attempting to play them at speed. I show how this works in the following extract:
The full videos for the repertoire selections for this and all other grades are available here via the series index on the Online Academy.
More excerpts from other grades are available on our YouTube channel or click here for videos and information for Grade 8, click here for Grade 7 or here for the foundation grades (Initial – Grade 3). Existing resources for the Trinity and previous ABRSM syllabuses can be viewed on the Online Academy here.
You can get further updates on new resources for examination syllabuses by signing up for our mailing list here and subscribing to our YouTube channel for additional video previews.
Guide to the Trinity College Piano Syllabus
Our guide to the Trinity 2021 – 2023 piano examination features 50+ video walk-throughs of selected repertoire from Initial to Grade 8. It also includes a collection of videos on preparing for an examination offering general tips and suggestions for preparing or a piano examination, covering topics including sight-reading, aural, technical tests (scales & arpeggios), general preparation and practice strategies.
These videos form part of the Online Academy’s extensive library of over 1,000 videos and are included with a subscription from as little as £13.99 per month or £119.99 per year. The collection is also available for a separate, once-off purchase via our store for £80. Please click here to find out more about the Online Academy or click here to purchase these videos from our store.